School Rules

  • Punctuality on all occasions is a demand of the school. Children must reach school 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
  • During an academic session 75% attendance is compulsory.
  • Regular school uniform and house uniform is compulsory for all the students. Parents should provide well washed and ironed uniform to their ward to look smart in school.
  • Every student should carry the school diary on each school day.
  • Name of the student who is absent from the class for more than 10 days without prior permission will be struck off from the attendance register. In case readmission is granted admission fee will be charged.
  • Since the school imparts education to boys and girls, therefore it is expected from students to observe a high standard of decorum as per the norms of a cultured society. If students are using vulgar and abusive language, they will be dealt with accordingly. While on the school premises students should abstain themselves from speaking loudly, shouting, making noise, whistling and yelling.
  • Collection of money for any purpose is strictly prohibited.
  • All the students must speak in English while they are on school campus.
  • To avail leave students must submit an application addressed to the Principal and  duly signed by the parent. In case of medical leave a duly certified medical from a registered medical practitioner should be attached with the application.
  • Students found bringing crackers, sparking colors and using on fellow students, wall and furniture etc. will be punished and a fine will be imposed accordingly.
  • Students found carrying sharp-edged instruments, knife and fire arms shall be punished by suspension or termination from the school.
  • Use of bike, scooter, car, mobile phones, calculator, and camera is prohibited.
  • Students found violating the laid rules and regulations and code of conduct of the school will be rendered liable for punishment/suspension from the classes or termination from the school.
  • Carrying cell phones, CD's e-games, and pen drives is not permitted in the school.
  • Parents and guardians are not permitted to enter the classroom to meet their children or seek unscheduled interviews with teachers during school hours.
  • No stranger is allowed to meet the children.
  • Polybags are not allowed in the school.
  • Students should not break any furniture or fixture within the school campus. Any student causing damage to the school property will be charged heavily with a fine.
  • Misbehavior on the part of parents/guardians with any member of the school staff may also lead to expulsion of the student from the school.
  • Students should always always observe silence in the verandas, corridors and the library of the school. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  • The daily requirements and tiffin have to be brought to school by the students.