Principal's Message


Greetings to all,

As we step into the new session, there are hopes and aspirations for remarkable growth and continuation of the legacy that has been established in past 27 years.

Experts believe that giving a right atmosphere to children will help in their development.  We at Whitehall believe in nurturing and training our students in such a way that they are capable of finding their niche in this ever changing, fast moving world.  The past 27 years are testament of this. We have created a legacy in the field of education and we continue to strive towards new heights and achievements.

Malcolm X, the great Civil Rights leader said “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today”.

As we grow into adulthood our inquisitiveness and need to learn new things lessens.  As an educator I strongly believe that we need to keep our curiosity to learn and reinvent ourselves alive.

Ask questions, probe and find reasons to see novelty in our day today things. Don’t let boredom seep in our attitude. Learn new things, innovate and experiment with our skills. Have a positive mindset, unconquerable spirit and unquenchable thirst for knowledge.  Set examples not only for ourselves but for our children.

Be the change you want to see in others.

I hope and pray that this year brings joyous times, a multitude of success and strength to overcome obstacles.
