
We at Whitehall aim to impart a quality education which surrounds a child with its aura throughout life… for the basis of a good life,  is what is taught at the commencement of its journey. A well rounded education is one that touches every aspect of a child’s life ensuring that it is quality of knowledge imparted rather than quantity.

This year has marked a journey that commenced 27 years ago. A journey that was given its first step by our founders, Mrs. and Mr. J.C. Lal and furthered by the absolute expertise of Mr. Rajeev Lal, Mrs. Shalini Lal and Mr. Ravi Lal; our Managing Directors. Since then, the school has grown leaps and bounds and bagged achivements.

An institution is what its constituents make it. If the roots are strong… the tree is bound to be bountiful and produce the best fruit possible. If the students of Whitehall are the soul of the school, its faculty is its breath. Without a good teacher, a student’s all round education will only be a far off dream. We take immense pride in the fact that each teacher at Whitehall gives himself/herself in completion to each child to bulid a prefect citizen.

The school has seen many  advancements from its inception. Achievements ranging from academics to extra-curriculars have prided the instituion time and time again, confirming that the strategies enforced for a holistic education have held worthy. I thank the entire staff and well wishers of the school for their sustained support and undying faith in the school and its is our consistent endeavour to bring the best to society with grounded, well mannered and amicable young citizens.

God be your guide!

Mrs. M. Erickson

Managing Director Academics & Co-Curriculars