An Appeal to Parents

  • Please ensure that your ward reaches school on time.
  • Please send your ward in neat and clean uniform.
  • Please ensure that your ward is regular in the class.
  • Since the medium of instruction in the school is English, therefore, parents are instructed to put emphasis on the ward to learn English at home.
  • The promotion to the next higher class depends on the marks obtained in all the examinations held during the academic year.
  • The principal has the right to suspend or terminate a student from the school, without having to state the reason, provided he / she is satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
  • Once the ward has entered the school she / he will not be allowed to leave the school premises before the school gives over.
  • The parent will notify the school authorities immediately about the change in their residential address and telephone number etc.
  • To know the progress made by your ward it is necessary that parents should visit the school. Parents at no time are allowed to enter the class rooms/move around in the lobby and school premises without prior appointment.
  • Parents are advised to keep a record of the rickshaw puller and auto rickshaw driver and be responsible for the safe transportation of your child and the safety of the ward.
  • Parents are advised to instruct their ward not to eat items from the vendors and unknown persons. Children are allowed to bring packed food from home to be eaten during recess.
  • School diary (ALMANAC) must be checked by the parents daily.
  • Parent Teacher Meeting
  • The date and day of the meeting is announced prior to any meeting. Parents Are Expected To Sign Every Test And Send The Copy Back To School The Next Day.
  • Besides the regular Parent Teacher Meeting, if any parent has anything to discuss with the teacher or the Principal regarding his ward at any time, they are free to seek an appointment with the Principal, during school hours.