
  • International Hindi Olympiad
    Venue: International Hindi Olympiad 2023 organised by International Hindi Olympiad Foundation, New Delhi
    Event Date: 18-Apr-2024

    Greetings of the Day!

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    We are proud to announce that Ashish Dalakoti of grade X bagged the II postion winning a cash prize of ?3100 in the International Hindi Olympiad 2023 organised by International Hindi Olympiad Foundation, New Delhi.


    In yet another achievement Mridul Bhatt of grade X has been awarded a 50% scholarship  by Extramarks for his outstanding performance in Extramarks Smart Scholar 2024 (STEM Competition) which is one of India’s biggest STEM Competitions.


    The Principal and Management congratulated Ashish and Mridul for their achievements and falicitated them with awards and certificates.

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    Thank You!